#6 Test E/Deca/D-bol/Winstrol - 14 weeks cycle (novice+ level) (long version)
#6 Test E/Deca/D-bol/Winstrol - 14 weeks cycle (novice+ level) (long version)
#6 Test E/Deca/D-bol/Winstrol - 14 weeks cycle (novice+ level) (long version)
#6 Test E/Deca/D-bol/Winstrol - 14 weeks cycle (novice+ level) (long version)

#6 Test E/Deca/D-bol/Winstrol - 14 weeks cycle (novice+ level) (long version)

  • $620.00
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Code: Cyc#6

Test/Deca/D-bol/Wintrol cycle, one of the most CLASSIC steroid cycles

To make it better we added here dbol for first 4 weeks to kick in.
Also we added Winstol for the last 4 weeks for leaning.

Cycle schedule will look like this:

1-14 Test Enanthate @ 500mg (2ml)/week - ENANJECT
1-14 Nandrolone Decanoate @ 500mg (2ml)/week - DECAJECT-Depot
1-4 D-bol @ 30-40mg/day - must be split throughout the day for better effect. - D-BOLIC
9-14 Winstrol @ 50mg/day - must be split throughout the day for better effect. - STANOL-50

PCT starts 2 weeks after last injection
Day 1 – Clomid 150mg - in three divided doses.
Day 2 - Clomid 100mg - in two divided doses
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg - before bed
Following 10 days – Clomid 50mg - before bed

1-4 weeks - 1 tab Nolvadex (20mg) a day

(You can use Nolvadex during a cycle also if you feel any signs of gyno, 1 per day)


3 DECAJECT-Depot 10ml
100 D-BOLIC 10mg
50 STANOL-50
100 TAMOXIFEN (Nolvadex 20mg)
50 CLOMISEN-50 (CLOMID 50mg)

TOTAL for the cycle - $620

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